• Developer: Everett Collection
  • Price: $2.99 (currently on sale at $0.99)
  • Version Reviewed: 1.1
  • Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4
Movie Awards Trivia is, as the name suggests, a movie trivia game. It’s a genre that’s frequently unremarkable yet fun for the film addict. At first, Movie Awards Trivia backs this up with an extremely unexciting exterior. The visuals look distinctly low budget and lacking that dose of class that the likes of MovieCat! offers in abundance. However, what it lacks in looks, it more than makes up for with challenging Oscar based trivia.
Movie Awards Trivia is the only trivia app I’ve yet to find that covers the entire history of cinema. Rather than just focusing on the last 40 or 50 years of movies, Movie Awards Trivia covers everything from the days of the silent cinema era right up to the current day. For a big film buff such as myself, this is a fantastic treat and provides a great challenge compared to the usual methods.
Its focus on multiple choice answers does mean that it’s not quite as hard as it could have been but it does bring about plenty of reason to display images of stars of many films, both memorable and not so memorable. For those less knowledgeable in the ways of older films, filtering options means that players can switch to focusing on certain decades rather than the past 90 years.
It’s not quite plain sailing for Movie Awards Trivia though as the competitive streak doesn’t feel so strong. Sure, there’s the chance to compete against one’s self, but without anything like Game Center or OpenFeint support, there’s no great way to share scores via an online leaderboard, with players restricted to Facebook or Twitter sharing.
It’s an annoying oversight in an otherwise satisfying game. For those more interested in answering questions about more recent films, there are better options out there. For the film purist however, this is a great change of pace and one that can be a real brain teaser.