• Developer: Strava
  • Price: Free
  • Version Reviewed: 1.0
  • Device Reviewed On: iPhone
Strava Cycling is one of the best biking apps available on the iTunes App Store.
The app is for bikers who want to record their rides, as well as keep track of statistics related to their riding. The app is free, but users can sign up for a free account with the company or use their Facebook account to use the app. Technically speaking, users can at least benefit from the app’s basic features without logging in, but with an account, they get their own profile, which is where they can view their stats.
Upon boot up of the app, users are greeted with four tabs to choose from: New Ride, Feed, Profile and Settings. “New Ride” is fairly self explanatory. Here users record their ride, tracking length of time, distance and average speed from beginning to end. The app uses the iPhone’s built-in GPS to monitor distance and average speed, and it’s surprisingly accurate. Under “Feed,” users can browse through the results of their most recent rides, including a map-based record of their route. Meanwhile, users can use the “Profile” tab, to browse through the fun stuff – stats from the last month of riding. The app keeps track of the number of total rides, miles ridden and feet climbed. Users can also view the total number of time spent biking. Extra stats include average rides per week, average distance biked per week, average time spent biking. The app also breaks down these stats and others into year-to-date as well as all-time records. Finally, under “Settings,” users can change the units and formatting, as well as enable or disable e-mail notifications.
There are lots of apps for bikers on the App Store, but Strava Cycling is one of the better ones I’ve played around with. It has an excellent price point – free – and an intuitive, clean interface. More importantly, the GPS-based recording is accurate and reliable.
Definitely a must-have app for bicyclists.