Developer: Rough Guides Limited
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4
There’s something very reassuring about having an app like Rough Guides Travel Survival Kit on your iOS device but there’s also something a little paranoic about it too.
It is phenomonally useful for anyone planning on visiting exotic foreign lands and in need of some advice. It’s also useful for more regular things that could well happen depending on the location such as earthquakes or hurricanes. Then there’s the slightly unnerving section (especially for women) that recommends good ways to avoid being pursued by a stranger such as remembering to wear shoes that are easy to run in at all times. For those with an overactive imagination, it’s a little freaky but undeniably useful information.
The crux of the app stems from the rescue aid lifebelt menu on the first screen. It covers all the crucial bases. Sections on sea, arctic, desert and jungle situations teach everything from basic rules to live by to how to find effective shelter or what to look out for such as bear attacks or poisonous creatures. For those going to less distant lands, a section on Natural Disasters covers the things to do and not to do during an earthquake or lightning strike. It’s both interesting to read and potentially lifesaving too.
A Danger section covers more varied items such as what to do when being followed or how to subtly offer a bribe. Even how to dodge gunfire or landmines is there.
In each case, everything is described clearly and in an easy to read format, while still providing plenty of useful information.
A basics section plus a section for entering useful information such as passport number or travel insurance details go one step further to providing a comprehensive app for those travelling. There are also emergency numbers for the emergency services as well as embassy contacts for many different countries.
Simply put, Rough Guides Travel Survival Kit is the ideal app for anyone planning on travelling anywhere and at the low price of $0.99, it’d be silly not to take the plunge. It could well save lives for those in need of learning more about survival skills.