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Tuesday 6 December 2011

TalkTalk porn filter fails to protect from adult website

TalkTalk porn filter fails to protect from adult website. Online, Porn, TalkTalk, ISPs, Broadband 0

TalkTalk's new filter system that, amongst other things, aims to block adult websites has failed for over a week. This has allowed access to Pornhub, one of Britain's largest pornography websites.
The internet protection service in question is called HomeSafe, which aims to provide protection against viruses and malware as well as hard-core porn. The HomeSafe service currently has 4.1 million subscribers.
The big TalkTalk selling point was that HomeSafe provides protection at the network level rather being hosted on the PC, meaning users would not have to update with software patches in order to stay protected. However the road to hell is paved with good intentions, as they say, and the system has failed to block the Pornhub website.
Indeed, there are critics of the network-level system that suggest it is prone to glitches and deliberate attack.
The failure was found by Cherith Hately, who, on testing the Pornhub website, found that the block page had been relegated to a small advertising box, thus rendering the whole of the site's contents available.
A spokesman for TalkTalk has commented on the failure and has made assurances that technicians are working on a fix.
"As the only network-level filter, TalkTalk’s HomeSafe is the most effective way of protecting children from content parents consider harmful. While no technical solution alone is able to solve the issue of child internet safety or be a substitute for parental supervision, we firmly believe that HomeSafe is a step in the right direction."
So to be fair to TalkTalk this isn't a web-wide issue and, for the moment at least, looks to be an isolated issue. However, regardless of the tech, it is essential that parents educate themselves as well as their offspring in all areas of IT so they can be best placed to make informed and effective decisions regarding their children's surfing habits.

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