Developer: Kipper Digital
Price: $2.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPad 2
Paul & Percy is a simple puzzle game that follows the journey of two twin brothers. Someone has stolen their biscuits and they must unravel the mystery of who stole them. Biscuits seem like a funny thing to get that upset about but when I realized that biscuits are to the Danish developers as cookies are to those of us in the Unites States, it made sense. I’d be pretty distraught too if someone stole all my cookies.
The board of this puzzle game splits the iPad screen down the middle to create two separate boards, one for Paul and one for Percy. Through simple movements players must guide each character separately through their respective board to reach portals that will take them to the next part of their journey. The boards are linked together and some blocks and objects can be pushed through the barrier to give the other character some help in jumping over obstacles. A good amount of thought and planning are needed to be able to get each character back to their portals to be able to continue their quest for the missing biscuits. Each move players make goes against the score and each level must be beaten within a certain moves to get a gold medal. I had to really think on a lot and even replay several levels to receive a gold medal. Luckily there is a reverse mode that allows players to rewind their moves, even all the way back to the beginning.
I really like the way this game is presented. The gameplay is unique in that there are really two different boards being played at the same time. The graphics and sound add to the experience and create a retro feel. The controls are very basic and are based on swiping. There is a simple tutorial at the beginning of the game that explains how everything works.
Overall, Paul & Percy gets high marks. This is definitely a game for those who are interested in testing their planning and strategy skills. Currently, there are 50 levels that will take a decent amount of time to complete, especially if players want to obtain gold medals in each level.