Developer: DenVog, LLC
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4
When I first grabbed Index Card for iPhone, I had assumed I was grabbing a newly released iPhone version of the index card app I reviewed a few months prior (Index Card Board for iPad). It turns out, I was wrong. This app is the iPhone version of an iPad app by the name of Index Card, which I’ve never had the pleasure of playing with. I had a much better experience with this pair of index card apps than I had expected.
Simply put, Index Card for iPhone allows users to create sets of index cards on their iPhone. The actual uses of the app are left up to the user (studying, taking notes, storyboarding, etc). Each set of index cards are considered “projects.” Within each project, users can view their index cards in one of two ways.
In portrait mode, users are presented with a card list. In that list, users can rearrange the cards, edit them, and change the label color. In landscape mode, the app goes into a “CardFlow.” The CardFlow is where the iPhone actually mimics the experience of using real index cards. Users can flip through the set of cards by swiping left and right. And cards can be flipped by tapping on the card. Users can even add “stacks” to a project. Stacks are sets of cards that are related to each other and should be “clipped” together. When a user gets to a stack in landscape mode, pinch zooming takes the user in to see the stacked cards and pinch zooming out returns them to the project.
I actually found the app to be more reactive than I had expected. Considering the animations the cards go through to flip from one to another and considering the size of some of the sets, I expected there to be a bit of lag when I flipped between cards; but I never noticed any.
There wasn’t much left to be desired for Index Card for iPhone. I wasn’t a huge fan of the corkboard theme. I would have preferred a more urban or modern design.
I used all kinds of apps as study aids during my recent college years, but I wish I had this one. Studying vocab, taking notes, and all kinds of other education-related help would work perfectly on Index Card for iPhone.