• Developer: Polymash
  • Price: $9.99
  • Version Reviewed: 1.2
  • Device Reviewed On: iPad 2
Embracing Change is a cross between an ebook and app. It coaches the reader into embracing change in their professional and private lives through a method called Appreciative Inquiry. Simply put, it’s a great app for those who need to make some fundamental changes in their life.
And what better time of year to do that than at the start of a fresh new year? It’s there for the taking. Something that we all need to be reminded of on wintery days such as these (at least for Brits such as myself). Embracing Change involves a step by step process in which the user gets to fully understand how their life is working out.
Laid out like a book but with interactive elements, Embracing Change starts by looking at what works in a person’s life then gets them to figure out just what else would be possible given their circumstances. It’s immediately clear just what a useful process taking time out to contemplate life can be. A text editor built in to the app goes one step further into encouraging the user to write down their thoughts and feelings.
Once such issues have been determined, Embracing Change goes onto teaching the person to figure out how best to organize their lives to achieve such goals, and also how to cope with ongoing changes – something that many struggle to adapt with.
The psychology behind it all is clever stuff and the app keeps things involving as the user progresses through it. Audio coaching features prominently along with slideshows that offer various helpful tips. Inspirational quotes round off the educational package.
As far as apps go, Embracing Change may seem expensive at $9.99 but in comparison to a self help book, it’s an excellent price. For those in need of a change in their life, it’s hard to put a price on such improvements anyway.