Developer: NoMoreTie Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4S
When faced with a ferocious, large, and very hungry prehistoric predator what choice is there but to run? Not much if you’re a caveman like the one in Jurassic Rush. In this game, players help a caveman run, and run, and run to prevent him from being breakfast for as long as possible.
While being chased by a dinosaur would certainly keep someone focused on the task of just running, this game unfortunately suffers because it doesn’t offer much more than running over fairly unidimensional terrain. The caveman runs forward at a constant pace just ahead of the pursuing predator and the player touches the screen to make him jump. Well timed jumps will help the caveman clear obstacles like logs, rocks, chunks of ice, or deep pits. At the start of two of the game’s three levels, the caveman has three lives. Each time he hits an obstacle he loses a life and when he’s lost his last life, the predator catches him. Along the way, players can pick up extra lives or a power-up that will make the caveman invulnerable for a short time. On the third level, there are pits instead of obstacles – one missed jump that puts the caveman in a pit will end the game.
The game’s short and simple gameplay is bolstered by a reasonably enjoyable animations. The stiff animation of the tyrannosaurus rex, the pterodactyl, and the mammoth (one predator for each level) is charming in an indie developer kind of way, as is that of the caveman. While the backgrounds are a bit bland, these mechanically stiff characters have some visual, if humorous, appeal. The death scenes after each game are almost comical. Whether or not this was a purposeful choice on the part of the developers is unclear, but coupled with some small translation errors it brings a smile, even if the gameplay might fail to do so.
