Zombie Pirate Robot Attack Review icon Developer: Playcorp Inc
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPad 2
I thought Dorothy had it rough running into lions and tigers and bears on her way to Oz with her friends. That was nothing compared to the battles one lone gunslinger must endure in this new iOS game. He is forced to defend himself against zombies and pirates and robots – oh my! Zombie Pirate Robot Attack combines elements from the tower defense genre to make a game that requires quick thinking, quick fingers and plenty of strategy.
In the center of an intersection of four streets, players are introduced to the main character of the game, Johnny. He is held up in the middle of the intersection with a force field surrounding him to protect against enemy attacks. He is equipped with a machine gun and a hunger to kill anything that approaches him. Enemies attack in waves and take the form of zombies, pirates, robots and combinations of all three. Different weapons are given that are useful in defeating a specific kind of enemy. Each level is completed when players are able to ward off all three enemy waves and still be left standing. The first few levels were pretty simple, but the game wasted no time in getting more difficult. By level five, the game really started testing my strategy skills.
Like most other games in this genre, the entire game can be played with one finger. Players need only point on the screen at the enemy they want to destroy and Johnny will mow them down. Although it can be played with one finger, I found it easiest to keep one hand down at the bottom of the screen to switch between weapons while keeping my other hand free to kill oncoming enemies. The graphics and sound are very good and fit nicely with the look and feel of the game. My favorite thing about the game is the variety of enemy characters. Enemies come in all shapes and sizes and grow to be faster, bigger and tougher as the levels progress.
I have really enjoyed playing this game. It is slowly climbing the popularity charts in the App Store and I can foresee it becoming even more popular as it is discovered. It has a lot to offer and constantly kept me on my toes. Anyone who loves any sort of tower defense game is sure to love this game as well. It is currently on sale for $0.99 but even the full price would be worth the investment.