Danger Alliance: Battles icon
Developer: Tome Studios
Price: $1.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.2
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4
Having really enjoyed my time with a preview build of Danger Alliance: Battles, I was pretty keen to check out the full release of it. I’m pleased to say I’m not disappointed although I am eager to see the introduction of a single player campaign.
Turn Based Strategy games are reasonably common on the App Store. Good examples of the genre, much less so. Fortunately, Danger Alliance: Battles is such a title. The fun all centers around the Skirmish mode. This mode eventually leads to the unveiling of six varied maps: Settlement, Outpost, Ruin, Compound, Canyon and Coal Yard. Each map offers a different form of challenge, invoking different means of achieving victory. Further benefits are gained through unlocking a Strategic Victory option rather than the basic Elimination mode, which offers some variety to proceedings.
It’s all pretty smooth sailing for Danger Alliance: Battles. Three difficulty levels offer appropriate levels of challenge, plus there’s a Hotseat Multiplayer mode for those wanting to play against friends. While there’s no Game Center support, it’s not really going to be missed as the general single player experience is strong enough.
Offering cartoon like graphics, Danger Alliance: Battles is an attractive title to look at. It’s intelligent too with the enemy AI making some shrewd plans to keep players on their toes. It might take a few moments for the AI to plot its next move but it’s worth the brief wait. A series of different classes can be chosen, such as sniper, incinerator, grenadier, rocket launcher and commando, thus giving players the chance to adjust to whatever playing style works for them. Controls are easy to master and everything that could be expected from a strategy game is there, such as the hefty importance of line of sight and height advantage.
Danger Alliance: Battles is a solid title although one that would benefit from future updates. Speedier enemy AI would be welcome as well as the much promised single player campaign. Despite such niggles, currently on sale at $1.99, it’s a good time to jump onboard the Danger Alliance: Battles ship.