iPhone App
Pixely People Making Movies is one goofy time-management production.
Nekomata Games
Price: $1.99
Version: 1
App Reviewed on: iPhone 3GS

Fist thing’s first;
Pixely People Making Movies is
like Nimblebit’s game about life in a pixilated high rise. It looks
similar at first glance what with the tiered floors and 16-bit
characters, but it’s a completely different genre. It’s less a tower
builder and more a hectic task-management affair. The unexpected and
drastic difference is a little jarring at first, but once the feeling is
gone what remains is an all-consuming desire to make totally ridiculous
Pixely People Making Movies breaks the filmmaking process
down into manageable video game chunks. Every time a new project begins
players get to choose the theme (indie, pirate, etc), genre (action,
horror, etc), hire actors/actresses, then top it off with a title.
Different choices have different costs, but more expensive endeavors
typically allow for higher payoffs. Progress is controlled via small
tubes with eight open slots that drop from room to room, as well as how a
player chooses to fill those slots. For example, action movies are big
on special effects so focusing more time and energy on the FX floor
makes sense. Time is always ticking away, however, so it’s imperative to
get these canisters out the door before it runs out. Building up a
massive score only to run out of time before getting the finished
product out is an unfortunate possibility if things get out of hand.

borderline insanity that can take place after filming gets underway can
be totally exhilarating. Getting a good game plan in place, keeping
each employee in line, making good use of their strengths, quickly
dealing with their weaknesses, and seeing that goofy movie poster at the
end along with a good review feels wonderful. There’s a certain rhythm
to it that can become thoroughly hypnotic. Of course the biggest draw
for me is the completely insane genre/theme combinations and subsequent
titles I can come up with. My pirate action movie, “Ocean With a
Shotgun” and my zombie drama “Citizen Plague” are only a couple of
As wonderful as it can be when it all comes together and character
perks such as boosted productivity kick in, it can be very bothersome
when their more negative traits such as putting everyone on the floor to
sleep rear up. If I didn’t find myself accidentally grabbing and
dragging the wrong person as I attempt to quarantine them on a vacant
floor, it wouldn’t be such a big deal. Instead I typically end up
putting the wrong people in the wrong places and completely throw off my
It’s definitely not the kind of game people are likely to expect from the screen shots, but Pixey People Making Movies
is still certainly a game worth playing. It can get hectic and
sometimes a little irritating, but the results are always worth the
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