• Developer: Savvy.com
  • Price: Free
  • Version Reviewed: 1.0
  • Device Reviewed On: iPhone
The advent of the Internet has brought upon us a new age of consumerism – one in which consumers have more power than ever in terms of making sure they get the best deal possible. Indeed, online shopping has changed everything for consumers. Deal-watching app Savvy is evidence of this.
Based on the website by the same name, Savvy helps consumers make sure they’re getting the best possible deal on their purchases. Using the app, users can protect themselves with three different approaches. With “Protect a Price,” users input recent purchases and the retailer they bought from, and the app notifies them if and when that item has dropped in price. Or if users prefer to wait for an item to drop in price before purchasing, they can use “Watch an Item” to track price changes. As with the previous option, Savvy will notify users if and when said item changes in price. Lastly, for those who have a specific amount they’re willing to spend, there’s “Pick My Own Price.” Users specify the maximum amount of money they’re willing to spend, and Savvy notifies them if that item hits that price.
Savvy allows consumers to track purchases across a variety of retailers and categories. Whether it’s electronics from places like Best Buy or Amazon or clothing from retailers like American Eagle or Macy’s, users can use the app for just about any kind of retail-related purchase. As far as finding an item on the app, users have two approaches: they can provide the bar code by scanning it or search with keywords through the app’s database. Both methods work well, although when it comes to searching, I did have some trouble finding specific models of laptops and televisions, for example.
I like that an app like Savvy exists. As a consumer, I am somewhat compulsive about researching prices and driven to get the best deal possible. For users who share such determinations, Savvy serves as a new tool in their consumer arsenal.