• Developer: Connect Technology
  • Price: Free
  • Version Reviewed: 1.0
  • Device Reviewed On: iPhone
Perhaps more than anything, one of favorite part about “the cloud” is that it’s given birth to services like Google Music, and along with it, apps like Melodies.
For those unfamiliar with Google Music, the idea is simple but awesome. Users upload their song library to Google, allowing them to stream their songs from any device that features support for the service. This means users can listen to their music collection just about anywhere, as long as they have an Internet connection.
With Melodies, users can access their Google Music collection from their iOS device. The app has many of the standard features expected with software like this, including a variety of sorting options – whether by artist, by genre, by album or by some other means, for instance. The app features a couple of cool extras that distinguish it from others like it, including a playlist system and the option to store an offline playlist, so users can access songs without an Internet connection.
The interface is solid and easy to navigate. More importantly, the app is quick to load music. One issue I ran into a couple of times, though, is that I had to restart it to get the app to accurately display all of my Google Music songs. Seems to be a glitch of some kind.
My main issue with Melodies has less to do with the app itself and more with the concept of using Google Music on the iPhone. Since the service depends on an Internet connection, unless users are near a Wi-Fi connection, they’ll be using their 3G connection to download music. For users on a bandwidth limit, beware: this app could cost them big if they use it often, since they will likely exceed any bandwidth caps. To be honest, I love Google Music, but just not for my phone. I prefer to just sync with iTunes than to consistently use the service on my iPhone.
Despite my personal arguments against using Google Music on the iPhone and some glitches with pulling songs from the server, Melodies is slick and fast. The app is free, too, so users have nothing to lose if they want to give it a try.