Developer: Beeline Interactive
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPad
I don’t make a habit out of playing a new game and finishing it in one sitting but that’s what I did with Bazzle. Bazzle is a physics-based puzzle game controlled with the iPad’s accelerometer.
To start off, I want to make sure it’s clear that the game isn’t a short game. I started by claiming I finished the game in one sitting but that’s simply because I didn’t put the game down until a few hours after I started playing it. Bazzle has 60 levels and each should take about a minute (more each time the player fails a level). For $0.99, a few hours of gameplay is about right compared to other apps at that price range.
In Bazzle, the player controls an orange fuzzball with eyes. The ball is controlled by tilting the iPad and the goal is to collect the five purple orbs (to open the portal finishing the level) and three optional stars. The purpose of the stars is basically identical to Cut the Rope: just something to work on collecting after the game has been completed. As the game goes on, the ability to become two other types of balls during the level is unlocked. First, the ball can turn into a smooth, heavier ball that can push blocks around and sinks in water levels (the starting ball floats). The second unlocked ball is a “sticky” ball that can stick to certain surfaces and, as a result, can hang upside-down. The sticky ball also sinks in water levels but much slower.
The controls to switch between types of balls work great. The player simply taps the left or right side of the screen to switch between the normal ball and the sticky ball or heavy ball. My problem with the controls is the accelerometer. I would have loved an option to increase the sensitivity of the accelerometer. I felt like I was tilting the iPad a little too much. An option for a secondary control with arrows would have been nice too.
Bazzle is one of the better physics-based puzzle games I’ve played on iOS. And for $0.99, it’s a steal.
