Developer: Mandelform Studios Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 3GS
Sorting eggs may seem like something more suited for a farm hand than the casual iOS gamer, but Chicken Frenzy brings this simple joy to the tips of any player’s fingers. To say the point of this game is to sort eggs would be a gross over-simplification, though. Sorting the eggs in this game and getting them into the correct baskets is an exercise in quick fingered physics puzzling.
Chicken Frenzy is split up into various stages each with a different challenging setup. One to four chickens sit at the top of the screen and drop eggs down as they lay them. As the eggs fall the player must use their finger to draw lines of rope that will safely guide the eggs down into the baskets below. Depending on the difficulty of the stage, the chickens may lay different color eggs. In this case, the eggs must be sorted and the player must guide them into the buckets labeled for that specific egg type. This can get tricky when there are several different eggs dropping down at the same time.
The game is also made more difficult by the fact that each line of rope drawn will only remain on the screen for a limited amount of time. Players must always watch for ropes that have disappeared and make sure they replace them if needed. There are also stages where the player is only alloted a certain length of rope. Other stages include obstacles like wooden planks, flies, and frogs that will eat the eggs. Every once and a while, there are even a batch of square shaped eggs that change up the gameplay slightly.
The game’s physics are well done and players must be careful not to let the eggs fall too far or too fast or else they will break. The stages are well designed and players can even tilt the device to change the way the eggs roll and fall. This simple game has a surprising degree of variation and that keeps the game fresh from stage to stage. Players will enjoy Chicken Frenzy, even if they risk ending up with some egg on their face.
