Developer: Crescent Moon Games
Price: $2.99
Version Reviewed: 0.1
Device Reviewed On: iPad 2
2012 is the year for re-released dual-stick shooters to appear on iOS. Sure, the list is just Radiangames’ Inferno+ and Ballistic SE and now Mutant Storm, but I’m not going to let the facts get in the way of a good story. Originally released on the Xbox 360 in 2005, Mutant Storm (exclusively for the iPad) throws players into more than 80 levels of dual-stick shooter action, full of enemies to take out. While each individual level is structured the same on each play, the player’s performance can make the game harder. There rae two main game modes: an adventure mode that starts the player out either from the beginning, or from every 10 levels once unlocked, and a tally mode where players try to score highly on an individual level.
Mutant Storm is at its best when it is enjoyed from level 1 and played straight through. Starting at the beginning allows the game’s difficulty curve to ramp up appropriately, and just helps get me engrossed in a way that starting from a random wave doesn’t. Is progressing and unlocking new waves quicker by starting from later waves? Yes. Is it as fun? No. That may be the issue: ramping up the difficulty right from the start just makes the game not as much fun. Getting into the groove, watching the difficulty ramp up, now that is an enjoyable experience.
Mutant Storm would do well to explain what is going on with its belt system. From what I can surmise, it appears to be a difficulty modifier and ranking method, but I wouldn’t know from playing the game. As well, there’s the ability to choose different ships, but do they do anything? Good question! Having even rudimentary explanations would be great. The controls made a great transition to the touch screen, as there is no on-screen joystick to worry about, it’s based largely on swiping and adjusting direction through natural motion.
Mutant Storm doesn’t light the world on fire, but even as a 2005 re-release, it does some things differently enough on a structural level that it should engross fans of the dual-stick shooter.