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Fat Jump Pro (By SID On)

Developer: SID On Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 1.2 Download: here Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 4.0 or later. Located in the Warsow,Poland-SID on an independent mobile application developer has announced a recent update of Fat Jump Pro for the iPhone,iPad and iPod touch.Fat Jump Pro is a fast paced vertical arcade action for the iOS devices.Using the tilt controls the player must guide the jumping,little green hero (a healthy and crispy cucumber) up a never ending series of platforms...  Detectives’ Chase  Ticket to Ride Pocket  NFL Pro 2012  Blood and Glory


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Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Samsung Receives Flack from Apple Fans for Using the Same Actress In Its Commercial

Samsung recently released a commercial for their Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE in Korea that uses the same child actress that Apple used in a commercial for the iPhone 4S.  After being shamed by rabid Apple fans, the company pulled the video from their YouTube feed.
In defense of Apple’s rabid fans, Samsung has been playing some dirty advertising tricks lately and it is highly likely that the decision to hire the young actress was intentional.
Samsung recently launched a campaign to poke fun at dedicated Apple fans who have been known to wait in line for hours to be the first to have then newest product. The company released two commercials for its Galaxy SII smart phone that shows iPhone buyers standing in line for 36 hours to get the new model while Samsung Galaxy SII owners are living life, not waiting in lines.
Not only does this new Samsung commercial for the Galaxy Tab employs the same child actress, but it employs the same advertising tactics as Apple by focusing on the human element of using the product instead of the company’s more common campaign of emphasizing the products hardware and specs.
While it is trivial and overblown to make an issue about who stars in what commercial, it is clear that Samsung is going for the throat with its newest ad campaign against Apple. How far will the company go to take a punch at the world’s most popular tablet maker?
Here is Apple’s iPhone 4S commercial:

And, here is Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE commercial

[via The inneractive Blog]

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