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Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Sprint or TMobile iPad in the Works?
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With a reference to 2,4 and with previous versions
(2,1 – 2,2 – 2,3) identifying models specific to antenna (WiFi, AT&T and Verizon) it may be logical to guess this is the rumored Sprint version of Apple’s flagship tablet.
Some see this as a logical and important upgrade to a 4G capable tablet while many others wonder why Apple would bother to release an update to the iPad 2 with the release of the iPad 3 so close (if the spring 2012 release rumors are to be believed).
The brilliant thing about rumors is that while people accept that they may or may not be accurate, few consider that they could be partially accurate. The point is, who knows. For what my opinion is worth (and the peanut gallery can refrain from comment on that one), I really think if Sprint was going to get an updated version of the iPad 2 they would have had it in time for the holiday season. The fact that it hasn’t been delivered and we are now looking toward a release in the new year it just seems too close to the iPad 3 to be likely. If a dual mode device does what Sprint (and TMobile) needs, it would seem to make a lot more sense to just build it into the iPad 3.
In other news, it would appear that Sprint may be discontinuing their unlimited data plan. If this takes effect I would question whether this is in preparation for the addition of iPads to their network or just a coincidence.
For those of you who own iPads that chose to go with the 3G-connected versions, do you find you use your data plans much? My tablet is WiFi only, though I tether it to my iPhone on occasion and I honestly haven’t regretted not purchasing mine with a data plan. I wonder just how many units Sprint will sell if they do get this rumored piece of hardware.
[via MacRumors]

This post was written by: Irfan Jam
Irfan Jam is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Facebook
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