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Fat Jump Pro (By SID On)

Developer: SID On Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 1.2 Download: here Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 4.0 or later. Located in the Warsow,Poland-SID on an independent mobile application developer has announced a recent update of Fat Jump Pro for the iPhone,iPad and iPod touch.Fat Jump Pro is a fast paced vertical arcade action for the iOS devices.Using the tilt controls the player must guide the jumping,little green hero (a healthy and crispy cucumber) up a never ending series of platforms...  Detectives’ Chase  Ticket to Ride Pocket  NFL Pro 2012  Blood and Glory


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Tuesday, 8 November 2011

iPad 3: News, Rumors & Opinions Recap

iPad 3 News, Rumors Recap

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News and rumors about the Apple iPad 3 have been relatively quiet over the past few days.  In case our readers happened to miss some of the news we have published, we thought it would be good to generate an article that recaps some of the hottest news, rumors and opinions about the iPad 3.

iPad 3 Release Date: The Burning Question

John Gruber of Daring Fireball got the rumors off the ground when he said If my theory is right, they’re (HP) not only going to be months behind the iPad 2, but if they slip until late summer, they might bump up against the release of the iPad 3.  This set the web abuzz about the iPad 3 being released a short six months after the release of the iPad 2.
The way Apple has been mixing things up with their releases, like the Verizon Wireless iPhone; we thought this could definitely be probable.  Here’s the catch though.  This was all before some events occurred that were completely unpredictable.  The natural disaster in Japan has affected schedules all over the place, especially for component manufacturers as they try and recover.
If they are predicting that the Honda line will be affected, you can guarantee that the iPad 3 and other tech components will be affected as well.  It remains the burning question, but most conservative predictions are currently placing the iPad 3 release date for early 2012.

iPad 3 Processor: A5 or A6

What’s going to be powering the revolutionized iPad 3 when it finally enters the market?  If the iPad 3 were to be released in 2011, it would be equipped with the A5 processor like the iPhone 5 is predicted to have.  The A5 is currently being used in the iPad 2, which is dual core generating 1 GHz of processing power and still able to match the efficiency of the A4.
If other predictions hold true and the iPad 3 is set to be released in 2012 it could see the new A6 processor embedded under the hood.

iPad 3 Camera: Partnership With Sony

Fans cheered when they saw that the iPad 2 was being released with two cameras.  Recently they have come under some criticism however, that they could have been a lot better.  Sir Howard Stringer who is the CEO of Sony recently revealed that they would be partnering with Apple in the near future.  In a press conference he stated that they are set to supply Apple with their best camera sensors.  Both companies stand to profit from this agreement, and fans can probably expect to see them in the iPad 3 and iPhone 5.

iPad 3 OS: iOS 5 To Be Debuted at WWDC

Fans can expect to get their first glimpse of iOS 5 after it is showcased at the WWDC later this summer.  If this holds true, then Apple would surely be ready to release the new OS come September.  With every Apple OS release, we can anticipate a complete overhaul with new functionality and features to enhance the user experience.  We’re hoping that the iPhone 5 and iPad 3 will come preloaded with iOS 5 on their release dates.

Apple iPad 3 Revealed Patents

Over the past month or so we saw a lot of patent’s come to the public’s view courtesy of patently apple.  As a quick recap we published news on the USB 3.0/Thunderbolt port, a smart bezel display, spaces technology, carbon fiber casing and a hybrid E ink/LCD display.
With all the iPad 3 news; some Apple fans were questioning whether or not they should hold off on their purchase of the ipad 2, and wait for the iPad 3.  Especially after an unnamed Apple insider stated that the iPad 3 was going to be worth the wait. The iPad 3 is being claimed as a revolution rather than an evolution like the iPad 2; since a lot of features were not released due to complications behind the scenes.
There you have it; a quick update on some of the hottest topics that we’ve published over the past month or so.  While news and rumors have been quiet recently, it will certainly pick up again soon.  The moment we are informed of anything pertaining to the iPad 3, we will inform our readers shortly after!

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